Very Much Enhanced New Promotional PriceForget about Desktop Sync and Google-merging!Contacts AND Calendar Sync for Exchange 2007-2013, Office 365, Exchange Online.Supports Autodiscover so just put in your email and password and you're off!*New* Supports Out-of-Office (OOF) so you can manage auto-reply settings.*New* Exchange 2013 supports Reminders with custom Dismiss/Snooze notifications and batch/individual notification.Contacts with Exchange Mailboxes display availability: Free/Busy as Social Presence and Upcoming Calendar Event.Outlook Categories are the Contact Groups.Calendar sync makes Contacts with availability info into Calendars within your device's Calendar App.Search your Mailbox folders and Public Folders (subject to permissions) by Subject and Body: Inbox, Sent Items, Tasks and Calendar, in addition to your selected custom folders.Access item content in HTML format (if available).Search Screen is orientation-aware and displays alternate views of the content. You must have auto-orientation enabled on your device.Please use our "website" link to find out more and report issues!Get access to future beta versions by joining our Google Group at